Wellness Coaching

Wellness Coaching is Available at UNI!

Wellness Coaching

Wellness coaching is a confidential service available to all UNI students, covered under the mandatory health fee. The program provides students with opportunities to explore personal character strengths and apply them to strategic wellness goals. 


Sign up:

  1. Schedule a wellness coaching appointment
  2. Navigate to the proper week with the arrows on the top left of the page
  3. Select the Coach's name 
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Your coach will be notified of your request to meet and respond via email soon

Sign up for wellness coaching in order to:

  1. Create a specific goal related to the Eight Dimensions of Wellness
  2. Gain one-on-one support during your time at UNI
  3. Learn about your VIA Character Strengths

VIA Character Strengths

VIA Character Strengths
Science of Character

Previous Wellness Coaching Participants


Here is what previous Wellness Coaching participants have said about their experience with Wellness Coaching: 

  • "Wellness Coaching was a good way to ground myself and make me feel a bit more in control."
  • "Wellness Coaches listen carefully and share tools and ideas that are tailored to my specific needs."
  • "Wellness Coaching was super helpful to have someone discuss my goals with out loud and hold me accountable." 
  • "Wellness Coaching made me feel more motivated to actually take the steps to start working toward those goals."


Learn more about wellness coaching through our Wellness Coaching Process graphic below or reviewing our informed consent. Contact wellness@uni.edu if you have questions!

Wellness Coaching Process