Health Requirements MMR Requirement Immunization to measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) is a requirement for all students who attend UNI. To comply with this requirement all students must provide records documenting proof of TWO measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccinations. Please note all the immunization dates must include month, day and year.Students who meet the following requirements are not required to provide immunization documentation:Students born before January 1, 1957Students enrolled in online or distance learning courses only. Should students seek to enroll in an on-campus course, they must comply with the immunization requirements.Military exemption, the student must provide a copy of their military ID or copy of their DD 214 papers.We request that you submit your immunization records as soon as possible. This documentation is mandatory for all new students and must be on file and in compliance by the tenth day of the first term enrolled at UNI. If students are not in compliance, a $30 late fee will be assessed and a hold will be placed on the students' accounts preventing them from registering for the following semester.For medical or religious exemption from the University of Northern Iowa immunization requirements please refer to the Iowa Department of Public Health Immunization Requirements webpage. Meningococcal Vaccine We also collect information on vaccinations for meningococcal disease. We strongly recommend that students receive the meningococcal vaccine. You can visit the CDC’s website, for more information about the vaccine. If a student chooses not to receive the meningococcal vaccine, please complete and sign the UNI Health Requirements Information Form and send along with a copy of the student’s immunization record.Please mail or fax the documentation to:UNI Student Health ClinicAttn: Immunization OfficeCedar Falls, IA 50614-0221Fax: (319) 273-7030Email: immunizations@uni.eduIf you would like additional information regarding either vaccine, please feel free to contact the UNI Student Health Clinic at (319) 273-2009 and/or your personal physician.When submitting your immunization information please include:Student’s NameStudent’s UNI ID Number International Student Requirements International Travel Requirements: COVID-19The University of Northern Iowa requires that all international students traveling from outside of the US follow the International Travel Requirement Guidelines when arriving on-campus. International Student Health InsuranceThe University of Northern Iowa requires that all International students participate in a qualifying health insurance plan.International Student Health RequirementsPrint and complete listed immunization record for international students. These forms will be required as a part of a mandatory completed health screening during the orientation session.Health Requirements - English (pdf)Health Requirements - Arabic (pdf)Health Requirements - Chinese (pdf)Health Requirements - French (pdf)Health Requirements - Japanese (pdf)Health Requirements - Korean (pdf)Health Requirements - Portuguese (pdf)Health Requirements - Spanish (pdf)Health Requirements - Turkish (pdf) Student Health Clinic ☰ Menu About expand or collapse menu Clinic Staff Frequently Asked Questions Health Services Appointments Health Requirements Clinic Forms Insurance 2024-2025 Student Health & Dental Insurance Plans Alerts & Notifications