Program Descriptions

Here, you will find more information about each program related to the top areas of need for student health wellness, such as stress management, mindfulness/relaxation, sleep, safer sex, alcohol and other drug education, and bystander intervention.

Gratitude & Self Compassion (30-45 min)

Participants will discover the benefits of gratitude and how it affects themselves and others. In addition, participants will experience how gratitude can make an impact during interactive activities, such as a gratitude letter and the lollipop moment activity. Engaging self-compassion exercises will be implemented during this program. Participants will then have the opportunity to share and reflect their thoughts regarding the use of gratitude, self-compassion, and mindfulness. 

Your Wheel to Wellness (50 min.)

This is a personal assessment of your 8 Dimensions of Wellness as a current college student. During this session, you will discover how you are practicing social, physical, spiritual, emotional, occupational, environmental, financial, and physical wellness. Participants will set a goal related to the dimension(s) they wish to improve. Throughout the program, on-campus resources will be explored.

Exploring Relaxation (30-45 min.)

Participants will learn four relaxation and mind-body coping techniques (focused meditation, deep breathing, alternate nose breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation) as a means to expand their healthy coping skills for stress management. The importance, demonstration, and practice time will be provided for each of the exercises/practices to increase awareness and confidence in healthy coping and relaxation skills.

Sleep to Be Your Best (50-60 min.)

When tests, projects, and papers are upon us, we always think we can give up sleep “for awhile.”  Yet, most of us live in a constant state of sleep deprivation, not realizing what a profound negative impact it has on our lives. Getting enough sleep is vital for our health and overall quality of life. Participants in this session will learn the importance of sleep and tips for good sleep habits.

Introduction to Wellness Coaching (30-45 min.)

Wellness Coaching is a way for students to create the life they want by exploring their strengths and focusing on their health and well-being. Through the process of coaching, students may increase self-awareness and self-efficacy, achieve goals, and have an increased sense of life satisfaction, purpose, and meaning. Students may see personal growth in areas such as stress management, eating well, physical activity, sleep, financial management, relationships, and other wellness areas. The presentation will give an overview of wellness coaching and how a student can get connected to this free service.

Red Watch Band Training (90 in.)

The Red Watch Band training symbolizes that the UNI community bands together to watch out for one another when every second counts. This training provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and intervene effectively in an alcohol-related medical emergency.
Through a variety of interactive activities and discussions, participants will:
understand the dangers of alcohol use and know when, where and how to get help 

  • identify protective behavioral strategies that can be used to prevent alcohol poisoning/overdose or other not so good things
  • identify the recommended BAC (blood alcohol concentration) to stay at or below in order to stay in the "sweet spot" if consuming alcohol
  • understand what can happen at different levels of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) 
  • identify the signs of alcohol poisoning/overdose 
  • demonstrate the proper steps of the recovery position 
Coping With Stress (50-60 min.)

Participants will be introduced to ways that will help prevent and manage stress, such as assessing stressors and identifying healthy coping techniques. There will be exercises that help regulate the fight or flight response, such as 4-7-8 breathing, and the five senses will be used as a means to expand their healthy coping skills for stress management. Demonstration and practice time will be provided for each of the exercises/practices to increase awareness and confidence in healthy coping and relaxation skills.

Condom Sense (50-60 min.)

While using a condom may seem like common sense, it is essential that you have the information needed to ensure you are using a condom correctly and consistently. Besides abstinence, condoms are the only birth control method that helps to protect against both sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy, if used correctly. During this fun, interactive session, participants will learn the benefits of using a condom, the steps to putting on a condom, an overview of other safer sex barrier methods, and sexual health resources.   

Group Wellness Coaching (50 min., 1-2 sessions)

Are you part of a student organization, class, or leadership team that would benefit from growing together? Look no further! Groups can request either one or two 50 min. sessions. During the first session of Group Wellness Coaching, participants will grow in their understanding of one another and themselves through discussing their personal character strengths and setting strategic wellness goals. During the second session, participants will discuss the development of character strengths since the first session and learn basic coaching and motivational interviewing skills to use in their own lives. Students will have the opportunity to practice coaching their peers as a means to support them with their wellness goals. Group Wellness Coaching is ideal for groups of 8-40 people. Fill out a program request form to start discussing options for your group!

Facts on Tap Alcohol Education (50-60 min.)

This session is designed to assist participants in making informed choices about consuming alcohol and reducing harm. Through a variety of activities and discussions, participants will:
identify what one standard drink equals for beer, wine, and hard liquor 

  • identify the recommended BAC (blood alcohol concentration) to stay at or below in order to stay in the "sweet spot" if consuming alcohol
  • describe one or more benefits of staying in your “sweet spot” zone if consuming alcohol
  • list one or more protective behavioral strategies that can be used to prevent alcohol poisoning/overdose or other not-so-good things
  • identify at least two signs of alcohol overdosing/poisoning
  • demonstrate the proper steps of the recovery position 
  • recognize that the majority of UNI students consumed 4 or fewer drinks the last time they drank alcohol in a social setting
Motivational Interviewing Part 1 (1 hour)

MI Part 1: During this program, participants learn how to help themselves and others when facing challenges. Motivational Interviewing (MI) part 1 outlines key MI principles such as change talk, OARS+I, DARN CATS, and MI Spirit. Participants will identify open-ended vs close-ended questions and why each one serves a purpose. It is recommended MI Part 1 and Part 2 are requested together.

Motivational Interviewing Part 2 (1 hour)

MI Part 2: Motivational Interviewing (MI) Part 2 allows participants to practice the skills they learned in MI Part 1. This program is very interactive, utilizing open-ended questions, OARS+I, change talk, DARN CATS, and Reflections. By the end of the program, participants will learn how to motivate their peers to reach their goals.