Protect Your Prescription

Did you know that prescription medications are among the most abused substances in the United States? The average age when prescription drug abuse starts is approximately 21. According to the National Council on Patient Information and Education, about 50% of college students will have the opportunity to abuse a prescription drug by their sophomore year. In addition, most people who abuse prescription medications get them from family or friends. You can help to prevent misuse or abuse by others by storing your medications securely and properly disposing of them when they are no longer needed.

Keep your medicines in a safe, private spot where only you know the location.

Set a reminder on your cell phone for your daily dose and for refills.

Avoid carrying your entire pill bottle or monthly supply in your backpack or purse.

Bring expired or unused medication to your local pharmacy for safe disposal.
It’s illegal to share your medications with friends or be in possession of someone else’s prescription, regardless of the reasons. According to federal law, prescription stimulants such as Adderall/Ritalin are “Schedule II” controlled substances. Also, if you share your prescription medications with others, you could be liable if that person is harmed. Emergency department visits related to prescription drug abuse now exceed those relating to illicit “street” drugs. Plan for what you will say if someone asks for your medication. You could say: “I’m almost out” or “I’m worried you’ll react badly.”

Many students assume that because a medication is prescribed by a doctor and approved by the FDA, it is inherently safer than an illicit drug – even to abuse. However, prescription drugs are not necessarily inherently safer than illegal drugs. Prescription medications can have potentially dangerous side effects, and the risk of these may increase when different substances are taken together. Drugs like Adderall can interact with other medications, alcohol, illegal drugs, other substances, or even food and drinks. In addition to safety concerns, research shows that non-medical use of prescription stimulants doesn’t boost academic performance and is actually associated with lower grades. Using someone else’s prescription medication is not worth the risk!
National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration; Centers for Disease Control & Prevention; National Council on Patient Information and Education; Monitoring the Future; (Social Research Center, Institute for Social research, University of Michigan)